Women of the Seven Seas

Women of the Seven Seas

(geheimagentur goes to Hollywood I)
a lecture performance by geheimagentur

Montjuïc. Espai Lliure

Show completed


Fri. 18:30

Running time

1 h


Montjuïc. Espai Lliure


In English subtitled in Catalan


€15 / Subscribers €7,5


Hearing assistance via mobile phone

Women of the Seven Seas is a global group of female artists, researchers, activists and seafarers working with, at and around the sea and on questions of maritime life. The group has been initiated by geheimagentur and has one question in common: Will the growing number of women working at sea make a difference? Maritime patriarchy is no joke. It is a history of war, colonialism and exploitation of people and natural resources. Is there - finally - a feminist movement about to appear at sea to unite against all that? The answer is: not yet. But maybe soon.

geheimagentur will not only give a report of the current activities and experiences of the Women of the Seven Seas, we will also present a screenplay for a blockbuster movie about what might happen in the future, when cruise ships will go under, sea levels will rise and transgender hippies on rafts of trash will unite with the female seafarers‘ association of Nigeria to come for the rescue.

You will be our test audience: Should we rather continue the real work, or should we pursue the blockbuster movie? And given this choice of reality vs. fiction, what is left for theatre and performance?

The Black Bank, the Alibi Agency, the Casino of Tricks, the Assembly of Real and Other Pirates, the Alternative Cruise Ship Terminal, The Improbability Drive, Women of the Seven Seas... geheimagentur/Secret Agency creates temporary institutions, improbable alliances and participatory artworks to make the world a better place. Secret Agency has almost 20 years experience of combining artistic and activist strategies. Between reality and fiction they create forums for unheard voices and explore the pleasures of future togetherness.

geheimagentur/Secret Agency is working anonymously, transdisciplinary and internationally. It was founded to use artistic means and resources beyond the accumulation of individual fame. Secret Agency is an independent label, an open collective and a practical exercise in the art of being many.

Performative lectures are a subgenre of the performance which was a feature of the programme of Katharsis 20/21. This year, we return to this genre, which is being presented in the Espai Lliure, in order to continue our investigation of how we can convey knowledge through an artistic experience. With local and international artists and theorists, we will be seeking how to combine our intellect and sensitivity to bring to the spectator a wisdom that needs to be conveyed through the aesthetic enjoyment that the theatrical experience gives us. We seek to answer the questions by experience.




Lil Twills


Fonds Darstellende Künste


Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.