Ànima Lliure

Ànima Lliure

The Ànima Lliure project was founded with the goal of turning the Lliure into an artistic space open to everyone and comprised of diverse voices and bodies. Theatre is a place where the invisible can be made visible, and we want to bring visibility to a social reality that has been ignored all too often. Our goal is not only to create a tool of awareness but also to promote a high-quality space of artistic creation with all the bodies and voices that comprise our society.

Thus, our intention is to produce at least one show a year created by a team of people with functional diversity. We don’t want this to be a mere one-off initiative; instead, we want the performance scene to become permeated with the knowledge and perspective of neurodiverse artists. In the words of Clàudia Cedó, the promotor of the project in conjunction with the Lliure’s management:

‘It is unfair for these artists to be excluded from creation processes, but I also think not seeing them perform in plays on our country’s stages is a huge loss for our society. Their voices, their bodies, their very specific yet universal way of expressing
themselves… we miss all of this if we don’t allocate the resources needed so they can have access to cultural creation.’

Our Ànima Lliure production is Fantàstic Ramon, written and directed by Clàudia Cedó. The project also includes William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a version written and directed by Chela de Ferrari and the Peruvian company Teatro La Plaza.

A project in partnership with the Fundació Banc Sabadell.