With In situ, we invite spectators to occupy the stage, the place where an entire world of images, ideas and concepts is displayed during the function. For just a short while, we’ll stop drawing from fiction to instead welcome the audience into the heart of the theatre.
For five sessions, you’ll be the stars of a reflection time led by experts who will share knowledge about different issues and topics that feature prominently this season, like the fragility of the body and mind, the profession of theatre, hypocrisy, silence, our personal or collective legacies and the clash between new and old ways.
— 26/02 Bonaventura Clotet on the stage of L’herència
— 08/04 Antonio Centeno on the stage of Fantàstic Ramon
— 27/05 Marina Garcés on the stage of La brama del cérvol
* Dates may change.
19:00 p.m.
€6 / Season ticket holders and Generació Lliure €3
Reservations needed!
In situ
A good companion on the road
08/10, Josep Maria Esquirol on the stage of 'La gavina' - One of the main virtues of Chekhov is that he knows how to get close. That’s why he usually becomes a good companion on the road. Some of his texts have been especially inspiring for the philosophy I am trying to articulate. I will try to explain it, with references to The Seagull and also to some of their stories. From syntony and gratitude.
The hearts, no one sees them
10/12 Rita Rakosnik on the stage of 'El misantrop' - Is it honest or a sincerecide to speak in the name of truth all these hours? Where is the boundary between sharp criticism and ruthless destroy? Are fashion and trends declared enemies of authenticity? What contradictions are hidden behind Alceste's desire for transparency? Is the time of love incompatible with saving forms? I will try to deepen on these and other questions through the comedy of Molière, as well as some (re)readings of his work.