Cosmos, which etymologically refers to both universe and order, seeks to be a virtual space which compiles all the information that contextualises the artistic and dramaturgic setting of our productions and residencies.
Cosmos uses a highly graphic collaborative digital dashboard which we make available to the public to visualise the entire universe of (inter)connections that explain what they see onstage. It is an expanded reality of the creative processes that arise in the theatre and seldom leave the privacy of the rehearsal rooms. We showcase the conceptual, methodological and artistic complexity behind a show, and we share it with the audience immediately, as well as with anyone interested in later discovering these processes based on a more scholarly curiosity. This content has immediate and lasting communicative value.
This device is a living archive that grows alongside the production process until the premiere. Then it will remain there as a permanent archive that can be consulted online. The public can browse this dramaturgic mandala and freely delve into the contexts and references around the shows. It is an element that seeks to combine the ludic appearance of the presentation with the rigour of the contents. Among other contents, you’ll find there a book and video library, playlists, audio interviews with the creative team (by Bernat Reher), own names, links, workbooks, related iconography and notes by the creators themselves, and their own dramaturgical material.
Season 22/23
A journey through the references, ideas and images that make up the artistic and conceptual universe of 'Desert', by Atresbandes.
Les amistats perilloses
An exposition of the ethical and social uses and behaviors of the French aristocracy before the revolution to better understand "Les amistats perilloses" of Choderlos de Laclos.
Farewell, Petroleum!
A journey through the concepts and influences of Irene Visa and Pau Masaló Llorà's proposal to explain, through the voice of oil, a civilisation built on the depletion of fossil fuels.
Tot el que passarà a partir d'ara
We propose you a journey about adolescence and grief, the two main concepts that move this montage written by Joan Yago and directed by Glòria Balañà i Altimira.
Tots eren fills meus
Map that includes some of the main concepts of 'Tots eren fills meus', such as guilt, feminine mysticism, ethics and war or the American dream.
A virtual blackboard that brings together the main concepts worked on 'RAVE''s artistic team, with evolution, sensory experience, nature and celebration as central themes.
A journey through the main concepts that make up the axis of Juan Carlos Martel's staging of this classic by Federico García Lorca, central ideas such as lullabies or dreams.
A journey through the physical and metaphysical conception of the journey, a library of 20th century journalism, drugs and the sublime. An investigation of episodic structure and symbolism.