On tour

On tour

The Reverberacions IT Teatre Lliure project, promoted by Teatre Lliure, the Institut del Teatre and the Àrea de Cultura de la Diputació de Barcelona, is a pilot programme for artistic and community mediation through the scenic arts.

The program accompanies the tour of the show created by IT Teatre Lliure to the different towns of the Barcelona area. Its main purpose is to promote the full participation of diverse citizens in cultural rights. Thus, it proposes that artistic-community contextual laboratories be conducted, guided by an artistic-community referent of the municipality. Work will be carried out in close collaboration with the cultural, artistic, socio-educational and community agents of each place, with the artistic and management teams of the Lliure and the Institut del Teatre providing support and mentoring.

Designed by the artist Marta Galán Sala, author and director expert in community performing arts, Reverberacions IT Teatre Lliure is launched this season with the show Electra, by Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus, a version of the three Greek pieces by Albert Arribas and directed by Alícia Gorina.

The show, produced by Teatre Lliure, will be created together with graduates of the Institut del Teatre to be premiered in February at Espai Lliure, and then presented in the circuit of the demarcation of Barcelona assisted by the Diputació.


04/04/25 - Vilanova i la Geltrú - Teatre Principal
Lab. 12@17 with Montse Obrador: Escola d’Arts Escèniques TRACART and other social city entities

05/04/25 - Vic - L'Atlàntida
Lab. community with the Centre de creació comunitària El Refugi + Dual FP Cooperativa Aurora La Clota

30/04/25 - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Teatre Joventut
Lab. 12@17 with Plàudite Teatre: PlaTea Teatre Jove

10/05/25 - Sallent - Fàbrica Vella Sallent
Lab. community with Tàtels Pérez: reading the theatre in the Biblioteca de Sallent theater course of the Fàbrica Vella with the group of migrants linked to the Consell Comarcal

31/05/25 - Premià de Mar - Espai l'Amistat
Lab. community withJuan Navarro: Association of women Mares atabalades + NGO San Prem + Association of women Mika Sororidad Internacionalista

Attention schedulers! Would you like to help us take the art of theatre to everyone, everywhere?

With the collaboration of the Programa.cat of the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, this season you can enjoy on tour the following show: