Disobey the apocalypse 2. Infiltrate

Disobey the apocalypse 2. Infiltrate

with Lluís Calvo

Montjuïc. Espai Lliure

Show completed


At 18:30

Running time

1 h 30'


Espai Lliure


In Catalan and Spanish


€5 – / €2,5 Generació Lliure / Subscribers free


Hearing assistance via mobile phone

Second session of the Escola de pensament, which this season seeks to combat the apocalyptic narrative. Moderated by Marina Garcés and Albert Lladó, on this occasion we will discuss with Lluís Calvo the concept of infiltrate.

Lluís Calvo (Zaragoza, 1963) has published the essays Les interpretacions (2006), Baules i llenguatges (2011), El Meridià de París (2016), L'infiltrat (2019), Els llegats (2021), Transfiguracions (2022) and El dilema de l'amor (2023). Some of these works have been edited several times and have had a wide critical review. In 2021, the Spanish translation of El Meridià de París was published in Argentina.
As a poet, he has published twenty-seven books, the last being: Selvàtica (2015), Talismà (2017), the anthology Llum a l'arsenal. Cent poemes (2017), Ancestral (2019), L'espai profund (2020), Fulgor (2021), Cor pirinenc (2022) and Centaures i rossinyols (2023). His poems have been translated into Spanish, English, Italian, French and Polish, and he have been anthologized in more than twenty national and international books. His poetry has spread in countless recitals throughout the country.
He is also the author of four novels, including Aconitum (1999) and L'endemà de tot (2014). He has exercised literary criticism and also written numerous prologues and literary studies, as well as several essays gathered in collective volumes.
He has received, among others, the awards Amadeu Oller, Miquel de Palol, Ciutat de Palma, the Jocs Florals de Barcelona, V. A. Estellés (Octubre awards), Rosa Leveroni, the Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or, the Quima Jaume to recognize his literary career, Carles Riba and Jacint Verdaguer.

Kidnapped by the stories that only know how to announce the end of the world, the idea of the future has been collapsed by a present that only knows how to relate to it from despondency, discouragement or, even worse, indifference. Joy, we know, is still a disobedient act and, once the traps of an empty happiness have been detected, the ability to play continues to be an incorruptible tool of creation and criticism, of the scene and of thought. The Escola de pensament invites us, then, to wake up in the links from the gesture and the word, as spaces of commitment and attempt.


Teatre Lliure

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