

Carlota Soldevila Grants Professional Seminar

Montjuïc. Espai Lliure

Show completed


Depending on the activity


Espai Lliure




Hearing assistance via mobile phone

Since 2019, the Teatre Lliure has the Carlota Soldevila Creation Grants program. Due to the need to bring together and show the work done by all the artists who have gone through this residency program, in June 2023 the ProCarlota conference was born, which will be consolidated in 2024 in a single day.

The ProCarlota conference aims to be a meeting point for professionals in the performing arts and a space for reflection on creative processes. After a successful first edition in June 2023, in which the scenic works of some twenty artists assigned since 2019 to the Aid to Creation Carlota Soldevila were shown and joined more than 60 local and state programmers, this year a meeting space will be proposed again on Friday, June 7. The day will feature debate spaces, stage shows and performative dynamics to reflect together on creative processes, the paperl of the residencies and the diversity of political and social themes that the artists have worked in the five years of the residencies program of the Teatre Lliure.

The Carlota Soldevila grants are possible thanks to the partnership with the Fundació Banc Sabadell.

10.00 h - Hall of Espai Lliure

Welcome with Julio Manrique, Teatre Lliure's director

10.30 h - Arxiu Lliure

Round table Beyond capitalism: new indicators to measure the impact of artistic practice

with Aída Bueno and Marina Otero

12.00 h - Coffee break

12.30 h - Espai Lliure

Open doors of Creative exchange residencies 2024: Teatre Lliure – National Theatre and Concert Hall in Taipei, Taiwan:

Un cuerpo sin talento by Monte Isla

Qualified Mother by Chien-Han Hung

14.15 h - Espai Lliure

Debate aftershow with Chen-Shin Wang and Kao Cho-Pei del National Theatre and Concert Hall de Taipei, Taiwan

14.30 h - Teatre Lliure terrace

Networking lunch

16.00 h - Espai Lliure

culturecapital – Milton Lim and Patrick Blenkarn in collaboration with Marc Villanueva Mir and Natalia Carminati

with the collaboration of Arts Santa Mònica

18.30 h - Espai Lliure

La taula: performative debate. Conclusions of the day

20.30 h – place to decide

Jam session by sound artists of the Carlota Soldevila Creation Grants conducted by Guillem Llotje with the participation of Sergio Camacho and Joan Solé


Teatre Lliure