

Professional days of the residencies program

Since 2019, the Teatre Lliure has the Carlota Soldevila Creation Grants program. This year, due to the need to bring together and show the work done by all the artists who have passed on this residencies program, the ProCarlota days are born: the Lliure wants to be a meeting point between artists and programmers and proposes a space for reflection on creative processes and also a platform to show scenic works.

The days will feature pitching sessions, samples of the resident artists of the season, debate sessions and special stage programming. Examples of this are the proposals of the resident artists of this season Pau Masaló Llorà with Farewell, Petroleum! and Ciutat dormitori, and the company Atresbandes with Aspecte global d'una qüestió.

These days are aimed at local and national performing arts programmers.

from 14/06 to 17/06/23

From 08/05/23